Monday, April 30, 2012

Daddy like

Monopoly x VCC #75 heifer calf raised by Pete Harding. Full sib to many time champion steer in Illinois shown by the Weber family. Congrats Pete!

Junior national deadlines from Showtext

Jr National Entry Deadlines Maine Anjou-5/1 Shorthorn-5/1 Chi-5/1 Charolais-5/1 Simmental-5/16 Angus-6/1 Hereford-6/1 Limousin-6/11

Alot of rain!

An inch in just under an hour makes things a little sloppy.

Justin Holloway-Tx

This is Justin Holloway from Abilene, TX. Noticed your double clean #81 donor cow. I have full sib embryos to the Wade Rogers Blaze of Glory bull abd bou ght 10 units of semen. I have been looking for the perfect built clean cow to use on him. Let me know if you are interested in doing a flush possibly IVF

For Sale

Bodacious x PB Meyer. Registerable 1/2 Simmy. Contact us for details.

Crazy kid

Got to spend yesterday showing pigs with Beth, Kendall and uncle Eddy. No banners, but Kendall did great showing his Chester barrow Leroy.


Found this guy this morning on the way over to check bulls. Dave 1, Snakes 0

Well, we finally did it and started our own blog.  We enjoy reading everyone elses blogs so we thought we would join in as well.  Stay up to date with what is going on by visiting our blog and make sure to "like" us on facebook.